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Latest New of Seria Being Chemically Attacked Again

Amjad al-Malah, 32, and his family were finally able to abscond the besieged urban center of Madaya five years ago and headed to northwestern Syria.

His voice trembles as he recalls those two years, cut off from acceptable nutrient and medicine by Syrian government forces and Lebanese republic's Hezbollah group.

"We lived years in cold, hunger, and decease. People had to smuggle vegetables, only many died after stepping on landmines or getting shot by snipers," the self-described civic and media activist who now lives in Afrin, tells Al Jazeera.

"A kilogramme [two pounds] of rice or cracked wheat cost $250. It was torment."

Aid workers, who rarely were permitted to enter besieged areas, described scenes of astringent malnutrition and hunger.

In 2017, opposition and government forces reached an agreement to terminate the siege of Madaya and iii other towns. Al-Malah said he and other families left with just the clothes on their back and lived off humanitarian aid in tented settlements. He, and others, feel the perpetrators were rewarded for what they describe as the "deliberate starvation" of civilians and forcefully displacing them.

100,000 disappeared

Over the past decade, Syria'due south uprising-turned-civil war has been littered with grave man rights violations that rights groups say could corporeality to war crimes.

The fighting has subsided in many parts of the war-torn country, but millions of Syrians tormented past forced displacement, torture, and the disappearance of their loved ones still look for any semblance of justice.

Noura Ghazi, founder of Nophotozone, a nongovernmental organisation that advocates for and provides legal support to Syrian detainees and their families, says many families are losing hope.

"The world's priorities have inverse, and Syria has been left aside," Ghazi tells Al Jazeera. "But, as families, nosotros are trying to find our way forward."

Ghazi, a human rights lawyer and nonresident fellow at the Tahrir Institute for Eye Due east Policy, said Syrian authorities arrested her husband – Palestinian-Syrian activist and free-speech advocate Bassel Khartabil in 2012 – and transferred him to an undisclosed location in 2015.

In 2017, Ghazi and family members saw official documents that said Khartabil had been executed. Many families in Syria have been told of the deaths of their loved ones in detention only have not been able to retrieve their bodies.

At to the lowest degree 100,000 Syrians were forcibly disappeared, mostly at the hands of government forces, but advancement groups such as Families for Freedom gauge the number is likely far higher.

Syrian artist Aziz al-Asmar paints murals and banners in the northwestern city of Binnish ahead of protests to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the Syrian uprising.
Syrian artist Aziz al-Asmar paints a landscape in the northwestern city of Binnish alee of protests to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the Syrian uprising [Ali Haj Suleiman/Al Jazeera]

March xv, 2011

Eleven years ago, the abort and torture of a group of teenaged boys in the urban center of Deraa afterward denouncing President Bashar al-Assad sparked protests across Syria, demanding democratic reform and the release of political prisoners.

The Syrian regime responded with a brutal crackdown, and military defectors formed the Free Syria Regular army before long after, turning the insurgence into an all-out civil war and paving the way for the emergence of armed groups and foreign proxies.

An estimated 500,000 people have been killed during the by 11 years, and millions were forced to flee the country. Well-nigh lxxx percent of the population lives in poverty. Al-Assad remains entrenched in power with Russian and Iranian military support.

Nonetheless, 2 court cases in Germany concluding January may mark a pause in the blueprint of impunity.

A courtroom in the small German town of Koblenz sentenced onetime Syrian colonel, Anwar Reslan, to life in prison house final January, finding him guilty of some 4,000 torture cases, including sexual assault, while he was in charge of Syrian arab republic's ruthless Branch 251 in Damascus.

That same week, the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt am Main began trying a Syrian doctor identified as Alaa M, who is charged with eighteen counts of torture of detainees and ane count of murder while working as a physician at a military prison house in 2011 and 2012.

The post-obit calendar month, human rights lawyers from US-based Iran Human Rights Documentation Center and UK barrister Haydee Dijkstal filed a communication with the International Criminal Court (ICC) targeting Syrian and – for the outset time – Iranian officials accused of crimes in Syria.

"What our submission brought together was evidence and information about actions not only taken by the Syrian regime and its associated militia groups, simply also those militia groups associated with Iran, either directly or backed by Iran, and what actions forced civilians to flee into Jordan," Dijkstal tells Al Jazeera. "We're looking at cases similar bombings, extrajudicial killings, beatings and abuse, arbitrary detention, rapes."

Syrian and Russian airstrikes in Idlib province have destroyed hospitals
Syrian and Russian air raids in Idlib take destroyed hospitals, farms, and much of the impoverished province's infrastructure [Ali Haj Suleiman/Al Jazeera]

Role of Iran

Though the ICC does not have jurisdiction over Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, or Republic of iraq, it does over Jordan, where the lawyers collected evidence from Syrian refugees there. This move was inspired by a 2022 example in which the ICC concluded it had jurisdiction over the Rohingya people after they were forcefully displaced to People's republic of bangladesh, a member of the ICC, from Myanmar.

"The function of Iran is interesting because the Iranian land has always claimed that the simply reason they're in Syria is to fight ISIS [ISIL] and to ensure ISIS does not make its manner beyond the region," Gissou Nia, a lawyer, on the squad, tells Al Jazeera.

"That's obviously not the case if you expect at the facts because the Iranian state has had a presence in terms of training folks in the Assad government on repression of protests and these sorts of techniques since 2011 – clearly that predates the issue of ISIS."

Omar al-Alawi, 33, fled southern Aleppo province in 2022 as the Syrian Regular army, backed by Russian air power and an Iran-backed armed grouping, moved in.

"When you see those militias approach you, and the tanks overtaking the colina that disregarded us, it was only such a horrifying moment that could non be described with words." His nephew, an opposition fighter killed in action, told him moments earlier his death that amidst those entering the area were fighters from Hezbollah and Iraqi paramilitary group Harakat al-Nujaba.

Already recovering from a fracture with seven metal implants in his correct leg, al-Alawi got some clothes, bedding, essentials, and fled. He thought he would be back soon. Instead, he lost the house he built and the agricultural state he worked on. He would ask people in nearby areas to check on the house and run across what happened around information technology.

Three months ago, he received shocking news.

"Some people in the area took a picture show of my house and sent information technology to me. There was a Hezbollah flag on superlative of it," he said, seething. "They, the Iranians, and their militias control the gas station and the agronomical lands. It's their property at present."

Not simply has al-Alawi lost his livelihood only he is now living the most difficult circumstances in Syria's northwest, where the UN says the vast bulk of people are in extreme poverty.

Children play table football in a building in southern Idlib province that was destroyed by airstrikes.
Children in southern Idlib play foosball in a building that was destroyed by air raids [Ali Haj Suleiman/Al Jazeera]

'A divided state'

Al-Malah says the uprising needs to be reinvigorated, especially considering accountability and justice were e'er at its core.

"The goals of the revolution were spoiled past the deportment of the regime and the emergence of weapons on the other side," he says. "We hope, after this feel, we realise that violence merely breeds more than violence."

But 11 years since protests swept the country, Ghazi says at that place can be no accountability without political alter, and she blames the lack of "international political will".

"In the end, the regime stayed and we have various forces which are not all that unlike than the regime. It's a divided land with different flags on one land," she says. "Nosotros're still displaced, still wanted, and we however don't know what happened to those nosotros lost."

The international community has struggled and has so far failed to implement a transition programme, which includes the drafting of a new constitution.

Meanwhile, President al-Assad held elections last May and won 95 pct of the vote, which critics and Western countries criticised for violating the transition programme.

Children in the Syrian village of Baluon return to school after government forces shelling
Children in the Syrian village of Baluon return to school despite shelling by government forces [Ali Haj Suleiman/Al Jazeera]

Ghazi says at that place can exist no justice without political reform and viable remedies for millions of internally displaced people and refugees.

"It doesn't mean I'm against those court cases. I really praise my colleagues for this stride forward," she explains. "But I fear justice in Syria volition be equated to just those few courtroom cases in Deutschland."

Kareem Chehayeb reported from Beirut, Lebanese republic. Ali Haj Suleiman reported from northwestern Syria


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